
Reformed Thought on Freedom: The Concept of Free Choice in Early Modern Reformed Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

Discover the philosophical sophistication of the older Reformed position on divine sovereignty and human will. The texts in this book highlight the positive aspects of the Reformed tradition, and contributors demonstrate that traditional Calvinism cannot be easily dismissed as a form of philosophical determinism. Reformed Thought on Freedom will be valued by Reformation scholars, professors and...

physical premotion (thesis IV) and the practical judgment of the intellect (thesis V). Moreover, these three requirements strictly imply their intended outcome or object: Given the divine decree, the physical premotion and the practical judgment of the intellect with regard to Engelbertus’ performing p, Engelbertus will perform p. But if these requirements strictly imply the performance of p, then (4) implies a contradiction. Engelbertus cannot both perform p and not perform p. According to Voetius,
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